Staff & Leadership

We have a passion for people, our city and our world. Our culture and leadership is characterized by worship, the love of God, and a genuine call to ministry. These core values have been shaped by our rich history of great co-workers and energy; always pressing forward in our call to love God and love others.

  • rabbi eric david lakatos ph.d (abd) & Mrs. Gisela Lakatos

    Rabbi Eric is our senior rabbi. For his bio, click here to download.  His wife Gisela has lead and managed various ministries at Tikvat Yisrael over the years from the Sisterhood, the Children's program, the Nursery, Hospitality Ministry, the PowerPoint Ministry among others. She works full time as a corporate accountant, and also serves on staff at Tikvat's bookkeeper. Together, Rabbi Eric and Gisela have 5 adult children, and four grandchildren, a golden retriever and a shih tzu. 

  • dr. larry & cheryl (sanger) morrison

    Dr. Larry Morrison and his wife Cheryl have over 50 years of ministry experience. Dr. Larry is a retired pastor and Bishop of the United Methodist denomination overseeing and pastoring dozens of congregation. His wife Cheryl is a Jewish believer and she has many years in Messianic Judaism teaching Torah in several Messianic congregation. The Morrison's bring a rich history and wisdom to the Board of Elders at Tikvat Yisrael.

  • Mr. Matthew Tuscano

    messianic Pastoral intern

    Matthew joined Tikvat Yisrael over half a decade ago and has been a faithful member eventually leading Tikvat's Ushers and Greeters ministry and later our Security detail. Later, he met his wife Frances and were married under the chuppah at Tikvat by Rabbi Eric. In 2024, Matthew answered a call from the Lord to change his career in his late 40's to become an ordained Messianic Pastor. He replaced the retired Rabbi Elliott Katz as the new Pastoral Intern assistant to Rabbi Eric, and he is currently studying for ordination via the IAMCS Yeshiva. Now, Pastor Matthew has many duties on staff full time at Tikvat including men's group, teaching classes and maintaining the entire campus of our synagogue.  

  • mrs. frances tuscano

    Frances Tuscano is also in leadership at Tikvat Yisrael. Due to her many years of entrepreneurial retail experience, she leads Tikvat Yisrael's Bookstore and giftshop. You will also find her worshiping the Lord often in Davidic dance during services. 

  • mr. hAROLD bAUM


    Mr. Baum is a long term member of Tikvat Yisrael, he has served in many roles and capacities as a leader. Currently, he serves on staff as a Havurah Group Leader and coordinator. He trains leaders and plants new Havurah groups around Cleveland and beyond. Additionally, he is a Cantor who frequently leads the liturgical worship during the Torah Service. 

  • mrs. kAREN bAUM


    Harold's wife Karen is also a multi-talented long term member of Tikvat Yisrael, who has been previously a member of Beth Judah Messianic Synagogue in Florida. She and Harold met at Tikvat and were also married under the chuppah by Rabbi Eric. Karen serves as Tikvat's Office Manager and co-leads the Havurah Group Ministry with her husband. She also serves on the worship team as a singer. 

  • mrs. Sonia (bENJAMIN) Bihary

    Director of Worship

    Sonia (Sonny) Bihary is a Jewish believer and also a long-term member of Tikvat Yisrael. Rabbi Eric appointed her as Worship Director soon after he arrived at Tikvat Yisrael back in 2008. Sonny is a gifted musician and artist who not only leads worship and oversees the worship ministry, but she also composes her own Messianic worship music. Sonny also is Tikvat's Intercessory Prayer Leader and she leads a weekly prayer webinar for Intercessors for Israel.

  • mr. Rick Bihary

    Rick Bihary is Tikvat's director of sound ministry. He also serves on the worship team playing the guitar. He and his wife Sonia are both long-term members of Tikvat Yisrael serving on the leadership team.

  • mr. brandon balog

    youth Director

    Brandon is a highly qualified youth leader. Originally, he was a campus minister on both the campus of Akron University and Kent State University where he graduated. He met his wife Kelsey at Tikvat and like many other couples, was married under the chuppah by Rabbi Eric. He and his wife Kelsey are now expecting their first child, Elijah James in December 2024. 

  • mr. eduardo and mrs. carrie rodriguez

    Eduardo and Carrie are also both long term members of Tikvat Yisrael. They both are very talented and gifted in hospitality at Tikvat leading the monthly Friday evening Erev Shabbat Service on the Third Friday of each month at 7:00 PM. Carrie is also the director of Tikvat Children's education program known as Club Maccabee. 

  • mr. Larry kolenz

    Mr. Larry Kolenz, another long term member of Tikvat serves as "Shamas." He also oversees other leaders in their roles. He has been instrumental in the ushers and greeters along with the Security detail at Tikvat Yisrael. 

  • mr. Gary minadeo

    Gary serves at Tikvat's Livestream Media Ministry Leader. He's often "behind-the-scene" managing the Livestream cameras for the weekly services. He is currently building a team of volunteers who will assist him in this ministry. 

  • Mr. & Mrs. Bill & siporah (greenspan) Gund

    Bill and Sipora were both widowed and met each other at Tikvat and were married by Rabbi Eric. Sipora is a long term member of Tikvat Yisrael, a second generation Holocaust survivor, who's mother Ella Greenspan ז״ל was also a believer and a member of Tikvat. Bill oversees the Ushers and Greeters as well as coordinates the Security Team at Tikvat. He is highly qualified retired military. Sipora is currently developing a new ministry for visitation of shut-ins, and she's a retired social worker.

  • mr. tom Mogyordy

    Tom is Tikvat's Ba'al Tekiah. His skills with the Shofar have been called by many, "the best in our movement." One must hear Tom's Shofar only once to agree. Tom teaches classes on how to blow the Shofar. In addition, Tom is a gifted musician and plays bass guitar on the worship team. Tom also is the leader of Tikvat's Cleveland Joseph Project, and he is a gifted teacher as one of Tikvat Havurah Group Leaders. He is a mensch. 

  • Ms. Dalia Kutnick

    Dalia serves as the leader of the Sisterhood at Tikvat. She also teaches Hebrew for beginner's and for advanced students. Dalia is an Israeli and Hebrew is her first language. Dalia can also be seen playing the recorder on Tikvat's worship team.

What is a messianic  rabbi?

A "rabbi" by definition is a religious leader. It is an honorific title given by Jews to a respected teacher of the Torah and Jewish Law (a.k.a., Halacha). While rabbi means "teacher," the title itself has evolved. In biblical times, it was the Kohanim (Priests) who were the original religious leaders of the Jewish people (cf. Malachi 2:7). After the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 A.D., Judaism became decentralized from the city of Jerusalem, and the authority of the priesthood gradually disappeared. The central focus became on the synagogue and thus the name rabbi became more of a "title." of a new "clerical system" that ordained these rabbis. The Lexham Bible Dictionary points out these titles: "(רַבּוֹנִי, rabboniy; רַבִּי, rabbiy; ῥαββί, rhabbi; ῥαββουνί, rhabbouni). A respectful form of address meaning “my great one,” “my lord,” or “my master.” Used as a general title (“sir”) and a more specialized title (“teacher”) by New Testament times. By the time of Yeshua, even before the destruction the titles existed and they became a source of pride and arrogance. 

In Matthew 23:8, Messiah Yeshua instructed the disciples to call no man "rabbi," but he also said call no man "father." So should this be interpreted that we should not refer to our physical dads as a "father?" How then can we fulfill the commandment to respect our "fathers" and mothers? Certainly, this was not Yeshua's intention. It is important to understand how rabbis were adored and venerated. In other words, Yeshua instructed us to refrain from venerating our teachers. We do not call them "My Great One;" or "My Master." There is only one Master or Great One, that is Yeshua. 

Ephesians 4:11-16 says: He Himself gave some to be emissaries, some as prophets, some as proclaimers of the Good News, and some as shepherds and teachers— to equip the kedoshim for the work of service, for building up the body of Messiah.

In Messianic Judaism, we still refer to our Jewish teachers as rabbis, but we do not translate that as "Masters" or "Great One." Additionally, today, there are now several Messianic Jewish Yeshivas and ordaining organizations that do ordain and credential Messianic Rabbis. Typically, non-Jewish leaders may also be ordained by these Yeshivas and Messianic Jewish ordaining bodies, and they are given the title, Messianic Pastor.