InterMARRIED families & Relationships...

Within the local Jewish Community, 42% of couples married since 1996 in Cleveland are "Inter-married", according to the 2011 Jewish Federation Population Survey.  These numbers also reflect the growing trend across the U.S.  80% of these Jewish intermarried feel that Jewish Identity is very important!  Here at Tikvat Yisrael, we agree!  This is the whole purpose of a Messianic Jewish community.  Just because we do believe that Jesus is the Messiah does NOT mean we stop identifying and raising our children with a sense of realized "Jewish Heritage".  Additionally, due to this growing trend, the Messianic Jewish community becomes the "IDEAL" way to raise children and identify as Jews without compromising faith in Yeshua the Messiah!  The video and articles below will demonstrate how and why you should consider a Messianic Jewish Congregation as your Spiritual Home for you and your Inter-married family.  

Use the form below to send us your questions....   

short video:    "joined together?"

Tikvat Yisrael has many Intermarried couples and families. You're not alone.  Enjoy the video below and feel free to reach out to us using the form below...

When Jews and non-Jews choose to marry, there are always dynamics of culture and traditions that always will come into affect eventually. For some, it begins immediately even before the wedding with questions about "Conversion", and "How Should Children be Raised"? For others, the strong emotions of idealistic adoration often block out these questions until much later when children eventually do come into the picture. Then there are always the dynamics of the "In-Laws" and how they feel about the decisions an Inter-married couple chooses to make. These dynamics are sometimes tough to navigate and often change over the years. Family events and holidays become seasons of careful planning in advance: "What kind of food to serve?", Which Holidays, Christmas or Hanukkah, or both?" How do the children self-identify, "Jewish", or "Christian" or are they only "Jews" on Saturday and "Christians" on Sunday? How confusing! The Good News is that a Messianic Jewish Synagogue is the ONLY PLACE, where Jews and non-Jews can be ONE NEW MAN, in faith in Yeshua, and remain Jewish at the same time! Jew and Gentile together in Unity! This is a Spiritual Reality that was provided for by the Death and Resurrection of the Messiah Himself! See Ephesians 2:11-22. While this is clear in the Scriptures, that the "Hostility" has been destroyed between Jew and Non-Jew, nevertheless it is still a challenge to "Learn the Ropes" of being "Joined Together" and "How to Make this Work", practically living it out with "Circumcised Hearts". (Deuteronomy 30:6 & Ro. 2:29) We invite you now to enjoy the video below for testimonies from other Inter-married couples and families just like many here at Tikvat, and after viewing, feel free to send your questions and concerns on the form below and we will respond quickly. Seminars and classes this topic are also periodically offered...