get involved at tikvat yisrael

havurah Groups

Havurah means “fellowship”, (plural chavurot) is a small group of like-minded Jews and Gentiles, which meet regularly in homes with the opportunity to Kesher (build relationships) with others. Havurah can take the loneliness feeling out and an act as an extended family with the sharing of communal experiences that could include Shabbat dinner, Celebrating the Feasts of Israel and Observe Jewish Traditions. Havurot provide our mishpocha (Jews and Gentiles family) to grow in their relationship with the Jewish Messiah. Together we worship, pray, have biblical studies and serve our community together. Encourage one another and experience life changing joy and peace in these times we live in.


prayer and bible study

At Tikvat Yisrael, we believe in regular prayer and Bible study, and there are many opportunities to get involved.. We have weekly Intercessory Prayer on Tuesday evenings on Zoom. We also have a traditional Ma'ariv Prayer service weekly on Thursday evenings (zoom in the winter, and Hybrid in the summer) on Thursday evenings. After the prayer service on Thursdays, Rabbi Eric leads a discussion-style Torah Study. There is also an Intercessors for Israel prayer webinar that is conducted each Friday morning where we specifically pray only for Israel. 

If you are interested in any of these prayer and Bible studies, please click the links below to access a submission form and someone from our staff will reach out to you with further details.

< Participation in the Intercessory Prayer (Tuesday evenings on Zoom) is limited to Online, Associate or Full Members. If you are a member in one of these memberships, please contact our office to ask about joining our Tuesday evening Intercessory Prayer group on Zoom.

< Interest in traditional Ma'ariv Prayer and Bible Study on Thursday evenings.


< Interest in Intercessors for Israel Friday mornings.

<To submit a prayer request please click here. 

Kids & Student Ministries

Tikvat Yisrael offers spiritual education and ministry to all ages of our family. The Torah says we are to teach God's Word: "You are to teach them diligently to your children, and speak of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down and when you rise up." (Deut. 6:7). 

We offer nursery for infants and parents from 0-4 years old, there is also a private area for nursing mothers. We livestream the service in the nursery if parents feel they need to remain with their children. We do also hire professional childcare staff who are vetted. All staff who work with minors are subject to background checks. 

From 5-12 years is our "Club Maccabee" program. Club Maccabee is designed to be a 25-week semester program conducted during the regular school year for K through 6th graders (approximately ages 5-12). Club Maccabee prepares children for their Bar & Bat Mitzvah in the Messianic Synagogue, and lays a biblical foundation for their young spiritual lives. Children build relationships and grow together. These classes are offered during the rabbi's sermon during services. Children are brought up to the front for a blessing before being excused to their class where parents can sign them in. Parents are always welcome to volunteer and participate in Club Maccabee.

Students ages 13-18 graduate into Tikvat's "Upper Room" Youth Group. The Upper Room is affiliated with a national Messianic Jewish Youth organization; the YMJA (Young Messianic Jewish Alliance). Students are prepared for a more mature walk with the Lord with bi-weekly meetings, Shabbatons, and annual regional retreats, and national conferences with the YMJA. The youth are led by Mr. Brandon Balog, but parents and chaperones are always welcome to participate in the Upper Room. The Upper Room meets every other Shabbat after services for food, fun activities and a special lesson. 



Local & Global humanitarian aid

Tikvat Yisrael is passionately committed to meeting the needs of those who suffer both internationally and locally here in the Cleveland Ohio area. We are always looking for volunteers for both of these important humanitarian aid projects. 

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Local Aid: The Cleveland Joseph Project

Our synagogue launched a project to directly meet the needs of almost 41% of the local Jewish community who can barely make ends meet. These Jewish families consist of immigrants and Holocaust survivors and their children. Some Jewish families live below the poverty line. Tikvat's Cleveland Joseph Project partners with both local Jewish aid organizations and local churches in the Christian community, to "bridge the gap" between the two communities and fulfill the commandment to bless the Jewish people and thereby be a blessing to all..


Global Aid: Joseph Project International

Tikvat Yisrael partners with the Messianic Jewish Alliance's "Joseph Project International." The mission is simple: to bring hope and relief to Israel's neediest populations. We believe that everyone deserves to live with dignity, regardless of their circumstances, religion, or race. That's why we work tirelessly to provide basic life necessities and support to those who are struggling. Join us in our mission and be a part of something bigger. Together, we can make a real difference in the lives of those in need. The Joseph Project in Israel is also always looking for volunteers and there are opportunities to serve there with them!


Worship Ministry

Messianic Jewish worship is the spiritual lifeblood of our congregation. Worship is central in the life of any believer and follower of Messiah Yeshua. We worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and here at Tikvat, we do it in a culturally Jewish way. Worship is NOT "entertainment." We are not here to perform, or give a "concert." Worship is a form of prayer and communication with God. We express our hearts full of love and devotion to Him alone, by singing, clapping joyfully and some even dance before Him in a Jewish manner called "David Dance." 

Psalm 47

Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to G-d with cries of joy. 

Psalm 149

Let them praise His Name with dancing. Let them sing praises to Him with tambourine and harp.

It is very "Jewish" to worship this way. Tikvat is always looking for more musicians and singers who are members of the congregation. The Worship Ministry is led by Mrs. Sonny Bihary. After 6 months of membership at Tikvat, members can contact her for an audition. On occasion, when there is a critical vacancy, Tikvat may hire qualified and vetted outside worship team members to temporarily fill a gap. Usually, this is done through cooperation between other local congregations who have a long standing relationship with us. 

other ministries

There are many other opportunities to get involved at Tikvat Yisrael; for example there is: Sisterhood, Men's Groups, Hospitality and Food Service, Ushers and Greeters, Visiting Shut-ins and the sick, Dance Ministry, Drama Ministry, Intercessory Prayer, Intercessors for Israel Prayer Ministry, Sound Ministry, Livestream Ministry, Social Media, Sound Tech Ministry, and opportunities as well for new ministries as we grow and as the Lord leads! 

For more information call, text or email us at the listed contact info below in the footer or navigate to the Contact page.